Metaphysics Eats Culture for Breakfast

11:00 am, May 19 2024

Conway Hall, Holborn

Speaker: Alexander Beiner

Poet: Max Ingmar

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Many feel that contemporary Western culture is in the grips of a meaning crisis. Are we unsure of our direction, as we grapple with climate change, runaway AI, geopolitical instability and increasing challenges around mental health?

In this talk, Alexander Beiner will examine this moment in history, with a particular focus on AI, social media and psychedelics, to argue that materialist metaphysics play a major role in our cultural dislocation today. Drawing on the research for his book ‘The Bigger Picture’, he’ll argue that ‘New Atheism’ is giving way to ‘New Animism’ and what implications this has for the future of humanity.

Alexander is a writer, commentator and co-founder of Rebel Wisdom, a media and events organization focussing on making sense of culture and complexity.

We are also thrilled to have poetry from Max Ingmar. Max is a queer, non-binary writer, musician and artist. They make art that acts as a series of small exorcisms; the good, the bad and the hopeful.

There will also be the usual smorgasbord of songs, tea and community.

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