Support Us

Start a Fundraiser

Sunday Assembly London is a registered charity on both Facebook and JustGiving, so now it’s easier than ever to raise money for a cause you believe in.

Organising your own fundraiser is a simple and great way to support your community. From setting yourself a challenge to holding your own quiz or sacrificing your birthday gifts, you’d be doing something amazing for Sunday Assembly London.

Supporting our work means that we can achieve more today and into the future. With your help, more people (including you!) will be living better, helping often and wondering more.

Fundraise as you shop

If you are shopping online, you can support Sunday Assembly London at no extra cost to you!

Whether you are buying clothes, crumpets or kazoos, retailers give a percentage of the money you spend to us.

Here’s an example of how it works: 

  • You go to your chosen online shop through one of the websites below.
  • You buy 16 toilet rolls from an online shop for £8.95. The donation site gives Sunday Assembly 0.5% of your spend.
  • That’s £0.09 for Sunday Assembly and it costs you nothing.

Sign up by clicking on the links below

Volunteer with us

Sunday Assembly is a giant team effort. Our volunteer-led community organises assemblies, events and activity groups. Volunteering is both fun AND fantastic for our wellbeing. It’s also a great way to get to know people in the wider community.*

Whether you’re a serial volunteer or thinking about doing it for the first time there’s plenty of support and guidance. What’s not to like? New volunteer roles are popping up all the time, so keep your eyes peeled and check in with this page for the latest opportunities.

*That’s a load of dead friendly people. 

Not sure if any of the role descriptions above are the right fit for you? Just drop us a line at and we can have a chat about how else you can get involved.

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Don't be a stranger! We'd love to stay in touch, but we'll only do this with your permission. Sign up here to subscribe to our newsletter!