Not-just-Sunday Activities

NewsNot-just-Sunday Activities

7:30 pm, April 10 2025

Laugh to Keep the Lights on! Comedy Fundraiser headlined by Mark Thomas

The Sunday Assembly London team is a little bit nervous. We’ve decided to do something exceptionally fun and we want you to be part of it, but it’s really quite radical. Brace yourselves…

Sunday Assembly is planning a get-together that’s not on a Sunday… and isn’t an Assembly.

We know. What’s got into us? Are we doing this for a laugh?

That’s exactly why we’re doing it. Though there is a serious reason too. Allow us to explain.

Ever since Sunday Assembly was founded – by two comedians – our three tenets have included Live Better and Wonder More. (We’ll get to the other tenet later.) Comedy nights are great for both: the uplift of shared laughter and the marvel of well-crafted comedy.

And what’s better than two comedians?

Four comedians! Ready to entertain you on 10th April.

Our host is James Ross, whose Quantum Leopard comedy nights have won awards for showcasing stand-up that doesn’t punch down. He’s put together a fabulous line-up for us:

  • Mark Thomas: Mark’s been performing comedy on stage and screen for over 35 years. He mixes theatre, journalism and the odd bout of performance art
  • Ben Pope: From Cambridge Footlights to Edinburgh Fringe to London clubs, Ben’s been called ‘one of the best storytellers in comedy’
  • Jamie Mykaela: A comedy-cabaret artist who’s been described as ‘bawdy, brassy, vulnerable and intense’, with performances fuelled by 12 years of opera training
  • Alex Franklin: Acclaimed in 2024 for being ‘winningly weird’, Alex’s performances have blended musical comedy, science and the joy of being trans

How much will it cost you to take in all that incredible talent? Just £15, or £10 if you’re on a low income or precariously employed. We must be having a laugh. (Did we already say that?)

Here are the details for this non-Sunday spectacular:

Thursday 10th April from 7:30pm to 10pm (doors open at 7:30pm; show starts at 8pm)
COLAB Theatre, 22 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HB

You may be wondering what happens to your ticket fee. None of it goes to our host, thanks to his amazing generosity; the performers don’t want a cut either. Every penny will go to Sunday Assembly London, at a time when we really need it to ensure we have a future. So while you’re laughing to keep our lights on, you’ll be upholding our other tenet: Help Often. And we’ll be so grateful to you.

All line ups subject to change.
Tickets are non refundable.
Limited number of concessionary tickets available

Not-just-Sunday Activities

7:30 pm, April 3 2025

Article Club #68

The point of Article Club is to challenge ourselves to read a diverse range of articles, share them with like-minded people and deal with our anxiety that we aren’t reading books.

Here is a recap of how the club works:
1. We meet every six weeks or so in or near the National Theatre.
2. We vote in advance and pick two articles from a short list to read before we meet. Usually one relates to politics/current affairs and the other to history, culture or science.
3. We talk about each one for around half an hour and the beauty of Article Club is that we can think more deeply about the broader themes of a topic, and how well the article gets to grips with them.
4. We each give a score out of 10 for the articles that have been discussed.
5. We set the date for the next Article Club and sometimes adjourn to the pub.

Nearer the time Alistair (host) will create a Google form that you can use to vote for the articles you would like to read and discuss at this event.

Not-just-Sunday Activities

7:30 pm, February 20 2025

Article Club #67

The point of Sunday Assembly Article Club is to challenge ourselves to read a diverse range of articles, share them with like-minded people and deal with our anxiety that we aren’t reading books.

How Article Club works

1. We meet every six weeks or so in or near the National Theatre, hosted by Alistair.
2. We vote in advance and pick two articles from a short list to read before we meet. Usually one relates to politics/current affairs and the other to history, culture or science.
3. We talk about each one for around half an hour and the beauty of Article Club is that we can think more deeply about the broader themes of a topic, and how well the article gets to grips with them.
4. We each give a score out of 10 for the articles that have been discussed.
5. We set the date for the next Article Club and sometimes adjourn to the pub.

The articles we chose

Does Labour still despise the working class?
Paul Embery, 22 December 2023

Has London reached peak toxicity?
David Mitchell
The Guardian, 2 April 2023

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

7:00 pm, December 13 2024

Yule Rock 2024

‘Hark! Come all ye mirthful to Sunday Assembly London’s annual seasonal singalong, Yule Rock!’

Whilst we had been settling nicely into our new home at the Backyard Comedy Club in Bethnal Green, for one night only we returned to the famous Conway Hall for the most festive night of the year!

We sang along to all your favourite Christmas classics once again, from Wham! to Wizzard, with our inimitable live band. We also hosted a silent auction and raffle, with a delectable array of prizes on offer to get you even more in the festive mood.

We had a cashless bar serving alcoholic and alcohol-free beverages as well as the requisite mince pies.

We were absolutely thrilled to have as our host this year comedienne, songwriter, science presenter and ‘Voice of an Angle’ Helen Arney. Helen features regularly on TV, radio and in theatres across the world with her unique mix of stand-up, songs and science, with credits including QI, Blue Peter and the science comedy phenomenon Festival of the Spoken Nerd.

Thanks to everyone who came dressed in their Yuletide best! Sparkles, baubles, tinsel and of course, questionable Christmas jumpers were actively encouraged.

Special thanks to our brilliant Sunday Assembly crew for another Yule Rock to remember!

Photo credit: Gwawr Thomas

This all-ages party was full of joy for family and friends. Doors opened at 7pm for drinks, with the singing and dancing kicking off at 7:30pm.

About Yule Rock and Sunday Assembly

Yule Rock is brought to you every year by Sunday Assembly London, a secular community that celebrates life under the motto of “Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More”. It is a heart-warming and inclusive gathering, embodying the essence of Sunday Assembly’s core values of community, joy, and wonder. It is the perfect occasion for individuals of all backgrounds to come together, sing their hearts out, and revel in the holiday cheer without any religious affiliations.

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

12:00 pm, November 3 2024

Winter Market 2024

‘Calling all makers, creators, artists, and artisans among us. We are a creative community, so let’s show off! Please come and display (and sell if you want) your creations at our Winter market, after the Assembly on Sunday 3 November.

If you aren’t planning to run a stall, you have the opportunity to admire our community members’ unique and fantastic creations and get a head start on your holiday season shopping! Come and have a look and talk with the makers from 12 pm on Sunday 3 November. Be ready to be amazed, intrigued, and dazzled!’

Thank you to Astrid for organising our Winter Market, and to everyone who bought something from the wonderful range of items on offer!

The Winter Market accompanied our assembly on Multicolour Maths with guest speaker & performer Brook Tate.

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

7:30 pm, November 28 2024

Article Club #65

The point of Sunday Assembly Article Club is to challenge ourselves to read a diverse range of articles, share them with like-minded people and deal with our anxiety that we aren’t reading books.

How Article Club works

1. We meet every six weeks or so in or near the National Theatre.
2. We vote in advance and pick two articles from a short list to read before we meet. Usually one relates to politics/current affairs and the other to history, culture or science.
3. We talk about each one for around half an hour and the beauty of Article Club is that we can think more deeply about the broader themes of a topic, and how well the article gets to grips with them.
4. We each give a score out of 10 for the articles that have been discussed.
5. We set the date for the next Article Club and sometimes adjourn to the pub.

The articles we discussed

Why was the Industrial Revolution British?
Robert Allen
CEPR, 15 May 2009

The only way the Ukraine War can end: Russia has to stop fighting
Anne Applebaum
The Atlantic, 2 October 2024

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

1:00 pm, October 20 2024

Picnic/Lunch and/or Boardgames

‘Join us after the Assembly for lunch and board games! Keep an eye on the weather and event listing in case we need to change venue. Bring a picnic mat and food from home or the nearby shops. And if you have any portable games, bring them too. Newcomers are very welcome. We generally play short, easy to learn, fun games.’

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

7:30 pm, October 17 2024

Article Club #64

How does Sunday Assembly’s Article Club work?

  1. We meet every six weeks or so in or near the National Theatre.
  2. We vote in advance and pick two articles from a short list to read before we meet. Usually one relates to politics/current affairs and the other to history, culture or science.
  3. We talk about each one for around half an hour and the beauty of Article Club is that we can think more deeply about the broader themes of a topic, and how well the article gets to grips with them.
  4. We each give a score out of 10 for the articles that have been discussed.
  5. We set the date for the next Article Club and sometimes adjourn to the pub.

The first article for this meet up was: 

I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream | Larry Elliott | The Guardian

And the second one was: 

The UK’s forgotten ‘fifth nation’ – BBC Travel

The point of Article Club is to challenge ourselves to read a diverse range of articles, share them with like-minded people and deal with our anxiety that we aren’t reading books.

Article Club was set up by Ross Bailey in 2015 who did a fantastic job at running it. Ross was followed by the equally fantastic Claire Ferraro. Alistair Baker has been in the chair for the past six years.

Not-just-Sunday ActivitiesPast events

7:30 pm, September 5 2024

Article Club #63

‘The point of Article Club is to challenge ourselves to read a diverse range of articles, share them with like-minded people and deal with our anxiety that we aren’t reading books.’

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