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Welcome To Your London Community

Sunday Assembly London is part of a global, secular community that celebrates life, and we welcome all who welcome all.

We meet at 11am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at Conway Hall, in Red Lion Square, Holborn, to sing pop songs, listen to fascinating speakers, hear poetry, and then have tea and cake. You can watch some of our past events on our YouTube channel.

Upcoming Events

Joseph Haydn was named the ‘Father of the Quartet’ and his legacy still lives on. But how did he also get dragged into an incredibly tangled affair including scheming, pseudo-science, lawsuit wars and one of the most elaborate funeral plans in the history of classical music? To say any more would require a spoiler alert..
Join our speaker Ripley this Sunday to take us through this mysterious tale.. Ripley is a former concert pianist – now turned baker, singer, crafter, avid reader, lifelong aficionado of useless trivia and a happy resident in the Venn Diagram intersection of Sunday Assembly, Nerd Nite and the London Humanist Choir.
We are also excited to have poetry from Morwenna James, a TV Producer, soon-to-be mum of two and spoken word artist and published poet who uses radical honesty and self-deprecation to explore universal themes with a playful, humorous slant.

Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More